Suda51 Wiki

In a video game, the player is the person responsible for operating the game through the use of the controller, or whatever other control schemes may be used for the game's operation. The player is a near constant presence in the world of video games, and is an extension of the role of the viewer in other forms of media. Unlike the viewer, the player not only observes but also has a personal stake in the events, due to having an effect on the outcome of the world. Being postmodern works, the Kill the Past games, along with other Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture games, will sometimes directly or indirectly acknowledge the existence of the player.

Flower, Sun, and Rain

The role of a video game player is heavily paralleled by the personality and actions of Sumio Mondo. Sumio is driven to help out and find missing items for the various guests on Lospass Island, for often arbitrary reasons. Every single one of these searches is performed with the use of a computer named Catherine, much the same way that a video game player must rely on their computer to interact with the game's world. Sumio also needs, more often than not, the assistance of a manual/strategy guide, The Lospass. Sumio only breaks his calm demeanor when Shoutaro Kai, or other characters, insult the video game itself.


Similarly to the above example, Harman Smith and Garcian Smith's interactions with the world parallel that of a player. Harman Smith in particular is confined to a chair and uses the medium of television in order to communicate to Garcian. When on the field, and not playing as Garcian, it can be speculated that Garcian is using said television to control the other Smiths, hence why you must return to Harman's Room in order to switch between the two. Kun Lan also hints that he is aware of the player, as he says that the world can be controlled in the palm of your hand, "just like a PDA".


Contact has the most direct link between the game and the player, as the Professor converses with you regularly throughout the game. Terry being under your control is discussed by the characters, and the Professor wants to keep it a secret from him - when Terry finally does learn the truth, he calls you out on taking control of his life.

No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

In No More Heroes, Travis Touchdown opens the game with a monologue to the player about the plot. Travis is consistently aware of the player's presence and views you as a partner of sorts, cheering you on when you engage in a clash and waiting for your command (pressing the A button) before beginning a mission. The player may also be what Sylvia Christel is talking about when she talks about trusting your Force. At the end of the first game, Henry Cooldown seems to know that Travis has your assistance as well, saying that both Travis and the player were likely expecting another plot twist.

Travis also represents the player, particularly the western one, in his love of video games, movies, wrestling and other nerd and otaku culture. He enjoys mindless violence and his initial motivation for becoming an assassin is to get money to buy games. His comments about the plot of the game reinforce this, portraying a cynical view of the average player.
