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Akashic Points are portals leading to isolated regions in the video game No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. Three Akashic Points appear in the game. The first Akashic Point leads to the Graveyard, where Travis Touchdown challenges Matt Helms for Rank 24. The second Akashic Point leads to Prison Island, where Touchdown challenges Cloe Walsh for Rank 23. The third and final Akashic Point leads to the Housing Complex, where Touchdown challenges Alice Twilight for Rank 2. The Forest of Bewilderment which appears in Santa Destroy three years prior is a precursor to the Akashic Points, and may itself be an Akashic Point as well.


  • The Akashic Points are similar to the Vinculum Gate from killer7 in that they are intradimensional gates which need to be passed through the reach the boss.